The shelf pieces were about a few things coming together, memories of the Catholic confessional, the Sun newspaper started its page three girl, gender and sexuality were the zeitgeist topics of the day, and I'd just read Herman Hess 'The Glass Bead Game'.

I can't remember any titles, however in the piece with the arse, I wrote my biography in the background. I did it late one night after coming back from the pub. In the morning I started crossing out stuff I felt was too personal. Eventually, all that could be read was 'I was born''.





Return to Phil

Martin said when he saw this piece 'Big Jugs.' title; ' Absolution'

The studio was dark, the light coming from bulbs hanging over the pieces. Over time all the little plastic junctions I'd used to join the wires blew up.


This one referenced 'The Glass Bead Game'. These pieces were shown at the P.M.J.Self Gallery in Covent Garden. I met Princess Miriam of Jahore and her boy friend, one of the Ryan brothers at the opening party.